In this webcast on journey frameworks, you will learn why a functioning customer journey management must be thought of on a company-wide basis. Each department has its own objectives and operates with its own terminology and level of detail when it comes to understanding the customer and user journey. What is a touchpoint for one department is called a channel in the next. Subjourneys are suddenly called moments or customer activities. If we now cluster according to different phase dimensions, the confusion is perfect.
A Journey Framework helps along
Because it avoids confusion in interdisciplinary collaboration. How do you ensure a common understanding of the customer’s experiences and emotions? And how do you guarantee that corresponding findings such as pain points, system requirements or innovation ideas – referenced to the touchpoint – find their way into requirements management?
To avoid comparing apples with oranges, a common language will have to be agreed upon internally. A CX/UX framework forms the basis of holistic customer journey management.
In this webcast, we will reveal how we are currently experiencing the enormous benefits of a common terminology and taxonomy in successful CX projects and how we are supporting companies in their implementation.
About the speaker

Wolfgang Weber is founder and CEO of cxomni GmbH and product manager for the cxomni software. Prior to that, Wolfgang Weber worked for 10 years as a management consultant in the field of customer excellence. He is one of the most distinguished experts on the subject of customer-oriented business management and customer experience management – his credo: “Customer enthusiasm can be managed”.