Practice Guide
What can CX learn from mechanical engineering? Join us on a trip from Customer Journey Mapping to Journey Management, and take a look at the bigger picture: Find out how other industries, such as mechanical engineering, have managed to establish tools and standards for excellent service design, and what CX teams can learn from them.
In this practice guide, you will learn, among other things:
Additionally, benefit from our list of 8 key guidelines for achieving successful Service Excellence.
T H E C O M P A N Y ’ S C X B R A I N
Collaborate across teams to create customer journeys
Merge your journey maps with a framework designed for your company
Connect data sources with your customer journeys and touchpoints
Distribute relevant insights and trigger actions – continuously and automatically
A Customer Journey Mapping tool for best in class experiences.
Your toolbox for a standardized CX/UX taxonomy
Connect all data sources at Touchpoints and Customer Journeys
Orchestrate insights on requirements and recommendations for action
Transform unstructured data into powerful insights
cxomni was founded as a start-up in Munich and is a thought leader for Customer Journey Management
Become part of a dynamic start-up
Information security & data protection are key elements of cxomni platform